Fan Art: 3D Printed Cyberman Helmet - X3G MakerBot Replicator 2 Files
Exported *.X3G files for the Fan Art: 3D Printed Doctor Who Cyberman Helmet. This file contains the Fan Art: Cyberman Helmet broken into multiple *.X3G files for 3D Printing on a MakerBot Replicator 2. These are the exact files I used to print the final helmets shown on ZBrushCentral (link below.)
*** The *.X3G files were created for the MakerBot Replicator 2 using Simplify3D. They will more then likely not work on another printer. ***
Distributing these files free of charge so that other Doctor Who fans can print their own for cosplay :) (Donations welcome.)
More Information can be found here (along with tutorials):
Note: Files can not be used for commercial purposes! (example: No selling for money.)